Ib hl geography tests
Ib hl geography tests

ib hl geography tests

Because girls could not be educated by male teachers, they had no one to teach them. Female education effectively ended when females were banned from working. The Taliban although stating that they believed in the Islamic belief of education for males and females actually banned females from working, therefore eliminating female teachers and girls ability to get an education. A belief that the role of females is to look after children and take care of the home and therefore does not need an education. Females are needed to work at home to allow parents to work, or families only has enough to educate one child and will educate males first. 75% of the world's illiterate population are females

ib hl geography tests

In parts of South Asia, the Middle East and Central Africa, women still receive significantly poorer education than men. Although there is now little difference between the level of female education in the Americas, Europe and Oceania. One of the solutions to the youthful population of Gambia has been "The Gambia Family Planning Radio Project" In the future, it will become harder to find employment and accommodation and even more stress will be put on food resources, the infrastructure and the health service, which is already struggling. 63.55% of the population is estimated to be aged below 25 years and only 3.36% of the population is aged over 65 years. Gambia's population doubles every 28 years and in 2009, it is estimated to be around 1.7million people. Gambia has a high birth rate of people because of this and in 2003, the average fertility rate was 5.13.

ib hl geography tests

As many children die at an early age, parents tend to have a large number of children to help with daily tasks, to bring a higher income to the family and to look after the parents when they reach ill health. The lack of healthcare available has also meant that there is an extremely high infant mortality rate of people, even though it is lower than it has been in the past. Short life expectancy of just 54 years for a man and 57 years for a woman. For every doctor, there are 14,536 patients meaning that the inhabitants don't receive much healthcare.

Ib hl geography tests